Entries by GrandMamil


TIME TO RELEASE THE INNER BOGAN! Team MAMILS are out to raise over $50,000 for the 2014 Perth Ride to Conquer Cancer! Benefiting Perth’s Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research! So drag your old flannel out of the bottom drawer, grab your Winnie Reds and head on down to the Scarborough Sportsmen’s Club for a […]

Fly6 Combination Tail-Light & HD Camera – Charity Auction!

The kind folks at Fly Lites have donated Team MAMILS – Middle Aged Men In Lycra a brand new fly6 to help them get to their fundraising target of $50,000 for the Perth Ride to Conquer Cancer If you want to get your hands on one before all your mates…NOW IS THE TIME!!! 100% OF THE PROCEEDS GO […]